Some cross sections exhibit areas of well-preserved metaxylem, which consists of tracheids of variable diameter (7–15 μ m; Fig. 2D, E ). In longitudinal sections, metaxylem tracheids ( Fig. 2C, F, G ) feature round to oval bordered pits 4.4–6.6 μ m in diameter, which can sometimes have two apertures in their membrane. Some metaxylem tracheids exhibit portions characterized by continuous secondary wall lining, which separates areas of sparse pitting ( Fig. 2C, F ). Metaxylem tracheids close to the periphery of the stele have scalariform bordered pits with multiaperturate pit membranes (corresponding to the P-type tracheids of Kenrick and Crane, 1997 ) like those seen in the secondary xylem tracheids, albeit narrower.