We hypothesized that Inductions 1 and 2 would have the strongest effect on the motivational constructs that they were designed to influence. In particular, we hypothesized that Induction I would have the strongest impact on students’ self-efficacy and that Induction 2 would have the strongest impact on students’ implicit theory of math ability. Because Induction 3 was not designed with a particular theory of motivation in mind, it did not intentionally target any particular motivation variable. However, because of the content in the movie, we hypothesized that this third induction would have an impact on students’ value beliefs, especially their utility and interest value. Finally, with respect to developmental issues in motivation, the literature is clear that there is a general decline in motivation as students progress through school (Archambault et al. 2010; Eccles et al. 1984). Because the structure of schooling for students in middle school (Grade 5), and because students conceive of competence differently based on age (Dweck 1986), we expected the first two inductions to have differential impacts on students depending on their age.