Red gently stroked my (h/l) hair has I cried into his shoulder feeling completely safe. At this moment, it felt as though I could let go of all of my sadness and he wouldn't mock me for it.. because somehow... I knew he understood.
I felt him gently play with my hair as I cried into his shoulder, him saying nothing and breathing softly. He gently moved all my hair to my left side so that it hung over my shoulder, softly running his fingers through my (h/c) locks while doing so. He gently placed his hand on the back of my head, silently sliding it to the ends of my hair that was all currently flipped over my left shoulder. He slowly lowered his hand away from my hair and into the snow, gently placing it on top of mine. I gripped tightly onto his hand in response and he gripped onto mine, my waterfall of tears soon seeming to come to an end after what seemed like eternity. He may of been gripping my hand, but it wasn't in any way out of romantic aspect, and we both knew this. It was out of sympathy and understanding. And we both felt it.
After my tears seemed to completely come to a stop, I slowly moved my head away from his shoulder, looking into his crimson eyes. They looked just as, if not more, completely sincere and understanding as they did when I first looked into them. Then, almost reluctantly, he smiled softly at me. I gently smiled back and then he awkwardly looked back down at the ground, then softly backing away a bit and standing up from the ground. I looked up at him curiously as he held out his hand to help me up, still smiling faintly. I mimicked his small smile and took his hand, standing up slowly. I then looked awkwardly down at the ground to see my (f/c) cap that had fallen off of my head while I was hiding in my knees. I bent down to pick it up and put it back on my head, a light shadow now covering my eyes as my eyes remained quietly down at the ground.
"Come with me," he spoke in a voice that was almost a whisper, but loud enough to snap me out of my staring contest with the snow to look up at him. "You look cold..." he said quietly, then slowly walking towards his cave while stuffing his left hand into the pocket of his red jacket. I stood awkwardly in my position, turning my head back to look at him as he walked, my hair once again blowing my face due to the strong wind. I stood stiff with somewhat confusion, and he then turned his head back to me and smiled very faintly, as if to tell me that it'd be fine, then gesturing me to follow with the hand that wasn't buried into his vest. I responded with the same smile that we seemed to be unknowingly throwing back and forth, and I slowly walked behind him, brushing the few strands of hair that blew in my face away from my left eye as I looked down.
We walked into the cave silently as I stared at the cold ground, Pikachu following closely behind me. Zubats slept upside down among the walls, but I payed them no mind and continued staring at my black converse. It didn't take anymore than 5 minutes of silent walking for me to be snapped out of trance yet again. "We're here.." Red murmured quietly, scratching the back of his neck. I looked up from the ground to notice that inside of this intensely large cave hid a very, very small cottage. It had tan, tipple layered walls and a small, red brick chimney. It had one window in the very front, and had 3 small, tan steps that almost exactly matched the color of the house, but a tad bit lighter. The steps led to a tanish-brown, very small porch. It was honestly a quite attractive house. Still, I found it somewhat strange to live in a miniature cottage in the back of a cave, but what I didn't understand was how the bloody hell he managed to find a cottage in the middle of a damn cave.
My eyes flashed to the door and I once again noticed Red, who had already proceeded up the steps while I was admiring the tiny house. Red held the light brown door open silently and smiled at me softly again as I inwardly questioned this random ass cottage. I shrugged it off silently and slowly walked forwards and onto the porch.
After walking into the cottage, I realized it was surprisingly very warm and comfortable for being placed in the middle of a freezing cold cave. I felt a tingle run down my spine due to the cold extracting off of my body, but it was a good tingle. Goosebumps formed on my back, but they disappeared rather quickly. I was so glad to be out that god forsaken snow, somehow momentarily forgetting about Char.
As Red shut the door, I unzipped my black hoodie while still leaving it on, revealing a bright red T-Shirt that read "Keep calm and catch 'em all." and had a white pokeball on top of the phrase. Yes, I knew it was dorky better than anyone... but I'm dorky. So, it's okay.
"Go ahead, sit down.." Red muttered softly. I let my hair hang in my face as turned my head slightly to the couch, Pikachu sitting cutely on one of the right arm of the couch. I smiled softly and huffed a very slight chuckle at Pika, who then smiled back in the most adorable way possible. I walked quietly and calmly over to the electric mouse and sat on the right side of the couch, right next to the arm of the couch where Pika was sitting.
"Pika Pi~!" Pika shouted peppily, jumping off of the arm of the couch and into my lap. I giggled softly at Pika and began petting him gently under his ear, watching his cute smile while I happily enjoyed the peace and quiet. He flipped onto his back cutely as I giggled slightly and began tickling his stomach. I definitely enjoyed Pikachu distracting me over my loss.. and in the most adorable way possible.
Pikachu laughed cutely as I tickled him and I laughed back, picking up Pika and lifting him to my face to kiss him on the nose. "Heheh, Red, he's so just so ador--" I looked up to look at Red, and that's when I realized he wasn't even there. "Oh." I laughed slightly under my breath. "Welp, I guess I usually talk to myself anyway, heh.." I chuckled slightly, shrugging it off and looking back down at Pika who was now fast asleep in my lap. I smiled once again and giggled out a breath while gently petting the ear of my new Pokemon friend.
"Here," said Red quietly, which snapped my head back up again. Why am I always getting so bloody distracted all the damn time?
Red handed me a large blue blanket for me to wrap myself up in. "Oh, thanks.." I responded softly, smiling gently as I wrapped it around me like a caterpillar in a cocoon.
Red smiled faintly and placed some hot cocoa on the side-table that rested in front of the couch. I sat up more comfortably as Red once again disappeared into the kitchen. I leaned over the side-table and looked at the cup which was breathing hot steam. I also looked noticed the small, white marshmallows that were shrinking slowly in the cocoa, melting inside of it.
"Pika?" Pikachu whined sleepishly in reaction to my sudden movement.
"Oh, heh.. sorry, Pi." I giggled silently, gently picking up Pikachu and resting him by my left hip, petting his head and shutting his eyes softly with my fingers to help put him back to sleep. I looked up as I heard Red return into the room as soon as Pika shut his eyes, carrying another steaming cup of cocoa in his hand and sitting next to me silently, sipping at the cocoa and drinking it down. I grabbed my cup with both of my hands and comfortably sat criss-cross position on the couch, then sipping the cocoa slowly, letting a small bit of the cocoa fall into my mouth. It wasn't has hot as I suspected, so I began drinking it a tad bit quicker.