The MSRIQ (Carr et al., 2003) is a five-point Likert-type scale that evaluates caregiver perception of an individual’s mood.
The scale ranges from bad mood (score of 1) to good mood (score of 5). The MSRIQ contains three follow-up questions (i.e.,
‘‘What is it that the person did that led you to give him/her a (bad, neutral, or good) rating?’’, ‘‘What, if anything, might have
brought on this mood?’’, and ‘‘If you had to cheer this person up or put him/her in a better mood right now, what strategies
might you use?’’). The MSRIQ was initially developed by Carr et identify a correlation between caregiver ratings of mood and the occurrence of challenging behavior in individuals with developmental disabilities. In the current study, the MSRIQ
was used to assess participants’ parents’ opinion of their child’s mood before and after play skills intervention.