Close your Microsoft account
Before you close
Check the privacy & cookies statement to learn how to access personal info you've provided to Microsoft.
If you've used this account as an ID with other websites or services, sign into those sites and services and delete your personal info. You won't be able to access it after you close this account.
What happens to my info when I close this account?
Your user name, password, and account profile will be permanently deleted.
You'll no longer be able to use this account to sign in to, Xbox, Skype, or other services.
Any device you sign in to with this account - such as an Xbox console, Windows PC, or Windows Phone - will still work, but we recommend that you associate the device with another Microsoft account.
You will lose access to your contacts.
You won't be able to manage any child accounts associated with this Microsoft account.
You won't receive any newsletters, updates, or free subscriptions associated with this account.
To close this account, verify that it's yours