5) Payment for the rent of PREMISES in (Clause 2) shall be as follows :-
5.1 Baht 1,209,600.- (Baht One Million Two Hundred Thousand and Nine Thousand Six Hundred Only) as 3 months deposit, by not later than the date of signing the AGREEMENT.
Deposit shall be held by the LESSOR, without payment of interest, and shall be refunded in full to the LESSEE after the expiration of the term of this
LEASE without any damage or loss was incurred to the PREMISES, or any parts thereof, or to any property of the LESSOR, as a result of the LESSEE or his followers. The LESSOR has the right to employ part or all of the said deposit and advance rental payment to compensate itself.
LESSEE shall pay all bills incurred at the PREMISES including electricity, water supply and telephone during the tenure of the LEASE. All due debts, and rents in connection with the LEASE of the PREMISES have been properly paid, and submitted the final receipts to the LESSOR before vacating the PREMISES.
5.2 The LESSOR has the right to employ part or all of the said advance rental payment to compensate itself for or rectify any breach of this AGREEMENT (including the premature cancellation of this AGREEMENT by the LESSEE) or in payment of any sum due by the LESSEE to the LESSOR.
6) In the event that a permission of the official authority concerned is required before carrying on such industrial business mentioned in Clause 1), the LESSEE shall acquire such permission before doing anything in regards of such business in the PREMISES.