The ant i-inflammatory act ivi ty against sub-acute inflammat ion was
tested by Granuloma pouch method 1 1 . Rats were anaesthet ized wi th ether and
subcutaneous dorsal ai r pouches were prepared at the backs, by inject ing 20 ml of
ai r , af ter proper shaving and disinfect ion. Then 1 ml of 20 % car rageenan
suspension in sesame oi l was injected into each pouch. 48 hours later ai r was
wi thdrawn from the pouch and 72 hours later any resul t ing adhesions were
broken. The animals were t reated wi th respect ive drugs for four days start ing
from the day of pouch format ion. On the 5t h day, the animals were sacri ficed and
exudates were measured. The average values of the exudates and the percentage
inhibi t ion was then calculated for al l the groups.