Upon freezing (i.e.,tranforming from a liquid to a solid upon cooling),most substances experience an increase in density (or, correspondingly,a decrease in volume). One exception is water, which exhibits the anomalous and familiar expansion upon freezing-approximately 9 volume percent expansion. This behavior may be explained oon the basis of hydrogen bonding. Each H2O molecule has two hydrogen atoms that can bond to oxygen atoms; in addition, its single O atom can bond to two hydrogen atoms of other H2O molecules. Thur, for solid ice, each water molecule participates in four hydrogen bonds as shown in the three-dimensional schematic of figure 2.16a; here hydrogen bonds are denoted by dashed lines, and each water molecules has 4 nearest-neighbor molecules. This is a relatively open structure-i.e., the molecules are not closely packed together-and, as a result, the density is comparatively low. Upon melting, this structure is partially destroyed such that the water molecules become more closely packed together (Figure 2.16b)-at room temperature the average number of nearest-neighbor water molecules has increase to approximately 4.5; this leads to an increase in density.
Consequences of this anomalous freezing phenomenon are familiar. This phenomenon explains why icebergs float,why,in cold climates, it is necessary to add antifreeze to an automobile's cooling system (to keep the engine block from cracking), and why freeze-thaw cycles break up the pavement in streets and cause potholes to form.