Player Ability & Performance
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Every player has a current ability and a potential ability that in simple,, Terms reflect how, good he supposedly is now and how good he may supposedly become in the future.
A player s current ability. ' Indicates to a large extent how well he will perform.It will generally increase for a player as he develops before falling later in his career after he passes his natural, peak. A player 's, potential ability on the other hand is static, and represents the maximum that his current ability can theoretically. Reach although the, level it actually reaches will depend on his personal development.
.Player development is discussed in more detail in the Player Development guide.
The true values of current ability and. Potential ability, are hidden but your coachesand scouts will provide you with ability star ratings for each player that. Reflect their own opinions of what the player 's current ability and potential ability may be.
, HoweverA player 's current ability does not take into account all the factors that may affect hisperformances, in matches while. There are also various factors that affect how likely he is to reach his potential ability that are not taken into account. By your staff. In addition the accuracy of your staff 's ability star ratings in reflecting both current and potential ability. Can, Therefore vary.You should use your own judgement of, a player combined with his ability star ratings to properly, assess him.
To help. You with this the factors, that determine a player 's current ability the factors, that influence how much of his potential. Ability he fulfils and the factors that affect his performance are explained below.Ability star ratings are also discussed in detail to help you understand how accurate they are likely to be and how they. Work.
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