To analyse for ammonia in the leachate tank, two Ogawa passive
samplers were used. These samplers were used to collect
ammonia in the environment (Roadman et al., 2003). The samplers,
small cylinders 10 mm high and of 20 mm internal diameter are
closed at one end by a polyethylene cap, which has a fibreglass filter
fitted inside it. At the other end, there is a cast iron mesh and a
Teflon membrane. The fibreglass filters were impregnated with a
citric acid solution. The method of analysis is based on the reaction
between the ammonia ion with phenol and sodium hypochlorite,
which is intensified by sodium nitroprusside, and the colour produced
can be detected by a spectrophotometer (Roadman et al.,
To the sampling of NH3 in the tanks containing fresh and
rejected composting fractions, a MX6 iBrid portable multi-gas