“Jirou. It didn’t seem like you have anywhere else to go so you can freeload at our place for the time being. There’s even a bed for you already…..Even though it is a little far from the city.” [Rebecca]
While we were drinking tea, Becky-san suddenly cut in. Shello-san also nodded as he said “Umm..umm.”
I was really happy with the suggestion. I was just a stranger who lost my memory, wearing inland clothing and also have 8 vocations. Her treatment for an identified guy like me is way too nice. She’s being too kind that I was reaching the level of being anxious now.
But as one would expect I shouldn’t be so dependent on them. Regardless, I still need to go back home at least once. I haven’t said anything to my parents yet and I was midway in my internet auctions too.
It is painful to decline them when they have extended such goodwill to me….
“Having you go through that much for someone like me, I could only say one thing. I am very happy. My heart aches when you have allowed me to fawn on your kindness to this extent. But I have thought that I should try work something out on my own from here on. I think I might be able to make some money if I sell the goods I have in my hand…..” [Ayase]
As I said so I took out my self-made knife that was meant for self-defence and placed it on the table.
–I encountered my knife-making experience when I was a first year in junior high school.
At that time during my junior high school, there was an art teacher who was acting as an advisor of my club (he’s also teaching mathematics). I was always observing him when he was building custom knives. After observing him for a while, I somehow got myself addicted in making one too without being aware of it myself. Even now I am still making a new one at the pace of one in every 6 months.
Well, I have been associated with that teacher for quite some time now so he usually gave me the cheap materials and lent me the tools when I needed them. Even after becoming a NEET, this has been going on even now. Steel materials aside, it would be hard for me to buy electrical tools myself.
Shello-san seemed highly interested and took it in his hand to evaluate it.
I had brought the only thing that is likely to be able be used as a weapon……a Bowie knife with the longest blade.
It is about 35cm in total length including the 20cm length of the blade. Personally, not many people will make a knife with this size. If anyone were to carry this outside in Japan, it would immediately be discovered but since I created this for my own admiration, it wasn’t a problem.
The steel material is ATS-34. It is a classic stainless steel knife.
The sheath (leather sheath) is also self-made. There were fine carvings done on the cowhide as well and it was one of my prideful work.
“This is a good knife. I have seen various types of knives during my work but this is my first time seeing a blade as polished as this. My face was even reflected on the blade itself. The structure also seems really intricate. Isn’t this a quite expensive item?” [Shello]
It seemed like the knife is popular with even Shello-san who is knowledgeable about knives.
I’m not sure how much money is “quite expensive” referring to but since it’s an amateur work of an anonymous person, it would be good to even get 10,000 yen if I put it up in the net auction. Well, I didn’t intend to sell it on the net though.
“I don’t have memory of it or where it came from but I somehow felt like this is a good item. I’m not sure how much this would sell for but I wish this can fund for my activity for the time being…..at least that is what I thought.” [Ayase]
“True. With this you might be able to get a considerable amount of money. Let me ask the help from one of my acquaintance working in a tool shop.” [Shello]
“T-Thank you very much!” [Ayase]