The respondents of treatments applied on flood-damaged home
of the participants are presented in Table 5. The treatments
included ‘draining flooded water away from crawl space’, ‘removing
mud from crawl space’, ‘renovating house’, etc. and its respondents
indicate the number and the percentage of participants which
conducted the treatments at each time point from before flooding
to at twelve month after flooding. The percentage of over 30% for
‘removing mud from crawl space’ and ‘removing household goods
which no longer used’ was observed in the flood-damaged homes
within one week after flooding. These treatments were conducted
in a lot of the flood-damaged homes within six month after
flooding. The respondents of ‘disinfecting crawl and indoor space’
and ‘repairing house’ reached over 30% at within six month after
flooding. However the respondent of ‘renovating house’ was small
after flooding