Honey I just returned back now from the Diplomatic Immunity Courier Delivery Service and I have registered the Parcel Box on your name as my next of kin....... Honey the Courier Agent who will deliver the Parcel Box to you will leave here tomorrow night.....So I will pass more information to you tomorrow morning because I just returned back now to pass this urgent information to you and I am going back to duty......
Honey registration of the Parcel Box cost me $47,000 USD. Because I paid them for Registration of the Parcel Box, Insurance, and Delivery/Handling changes....Honey attached here is the confirmation Payment Receipt of the $47,000 USD, which I paid to the Diplomatic Immunity Courier Delivery Service.....
I love you forever..
I have to move back to duty now..
I will pass more information to you tomorrow morning.
Your Love.
Kiss on your mouth.
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