- Get to know what supplemantary materials are available in you school. Use a questionnaire or interviews for needs analysis at the beging of the course to find out what you will want to add to the coursebook when you are planning your scheme of work.
- Supplemantary language practice materials are not always accompanied by teacher's books, and the aims of activities may not be clear. When selecting material in your coursebook.
- It may be useful to use authentic material ( which is not designed for a particular level), in order to give learners the experience of working with more challenging texts and task.
- The activitiein material designed to develop individual skills often include the use of other skill, e.g. learbers need to read a text before they carry out a listening task, or to do some writing as a follow-up activity after a speaking activity. When selecting materials and activities, think carefully about all the skills that are required.
- Many publishers produce materials for practising separate language skills at different level. Teacher's resource book, too, usually list task and activities according to level. Before deciding to use these materials, however, you should check how appropriate the level is for your learners. Think about the language they will need to understand or to produce