Drug calculation ability
There was no statistically significant difference between the
September and February cohorts in their overall drug
calculation ability scores (t = 0Æ271, d.f. = 227, P = 0Æ79).
The combined score for the two cohorts (n = 229) ranged
from 0% to 85%, with a median of 35% (Table 2).
Ninety-two per cent of the 229 nursing students achieved
less than 60%, while 99 obtained less than 80% (Table 3).
However, when the drug calculation test was separated
into ability to perform: (i) calculations for solids, oral liquids
and injections and (ii) drug percentages, infusion rates
calculations, the following results were obtained: nursing
students’ scores for solids, oral liquids and injections ranged
from 0% to 100% with a median of 75% (Table 2), with
41% of the students obtaining above 80% and 82% above
60% (Table 3). However, for part 2 (drug percentages,
infusion rates) their scores were worse, ranging from 0% to
75% with a median of 0% (Table 2); none of the students