a semester long bake sale, which was used to illustrate marketing concepts to college students in
a Principles of Marketing class. This section provides a brief background and context to the
cycles of the action research process that the three authors/instructors utilized in improving and
understanding the effects of their pedagogical changes in Principles of Marketing. Three
professors, each teaching separate sections of approximately forty traditional students,
collaborated on this project. The department had established two primary goals for the course
which were to: 1) develop students’ declarative knowledge consisting of the terms/concepts and
frameworks of marketing and 2) enhance their procedural knowledge skills by writing a basic
marketing plan. In addition, the three instructors also shared a common objective of how to
accomplish these two course goals in a manner in which the students actively participated in a
challenging active learning project that increased their involvement in learning as well as their
understanding of how the course material applied to business situations