5. In an organization with a separate division that is primarily responsible for the prevention of fraud, the internal audit is responsible for
A. Examining and evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the division’s actions taken to prevent fraud.
B. Establishing and maintaining that division's system of internal control.
C. Planning that division's fraud prevention activities.
D. Controlling that division's fraud prevention activities.
Answer (A) is correct.
REQUIRED: The responsibility of the internal audit activity in an organization with a separate fraud prevention division.
DISCUSSION: Control is the principal means of preventing fraud. Management is primarily responsible for establishment and maintenance of control. Internal auditors are primarily responsible for preventing fraud by examining and evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of control.
Answer (B) is incorrect. Establishing and maintaining control is a responsibility of management.
Answer (C) is incorrect. Planning fraud prevention activities is a responsibility of management.
Answer (D) is incorrect. Controlling fraud prevention activities is a responsibility of management.