7.5.4 Business Function Viewpoint
The Business Function viewpoint shows the main business functions of an
organisation and their relations in terms of the flows of information, value, or
goods between them. Business functions are used to represent what is most stable
about a company in terms of the primary activities it performs, regardless
of organisational changes or technological developments. Business function
architectures of companies that operate in the same market therefore often exhibit
many similarities. The Business Function viewpoint thus provides high-level insight
into the general operations of the company, and can be used to identify necessary
competencies, or to structure an organisation according to its main activities.
In the example of Fig. 7.12, we can see the information flow associated with the
handling of insurance claims. Claims are submitted to the Maintaining Customer
Relations business function, processed by Claim Handling, and paid by Financial
Handling. In the Business Process viewpoint (Sect. 7.5.5), we will see a more
detailed depiction of this process. In Fig. 7.13, these business functions are mapped
onto the responsible organisational units that were shown in Fig. 7.9.
7.5.4 Business Function ViewpointThe Business Function viewpoint shows the main business functions of anorganisation and their relations in terms of the flows of information, value, orgoods between them. Business functions are used to represent what is most stableabout a company in terms of the primary activities it performs, regardlessof organisational changes or technological developments. Business functionarchitectures of companies that operate in the same market therefore often exhibitmany similarities. The Business Function viewpoint thus provides high-level insightinto the general operations of the company, and can be used to identify necessarycompetencies, or to structure an organisation according to its main activities.In the example of Fig. 7.12, we can see the information flow associated with thehandling of insurance claims. Claims are submitted to the Maintaining CustomerRelations business function, processed by Claim Handling, and paid by FinancialHandling. In the Business Process viewpoint (Sect. 7.5.5), we will see a moredetailed depiction of this process. In Fig. 7.13, these business functions are mappedonto the responsible organisational units that were shown in Fig. 7.9.
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