Starting arrangements for emergency generating sets
1 Emergency generating sets shall be capable of being readily started in
their cold condition at a temperature of 08C. If this is impracticable, or if
lower temperatures are likely to be encountered, provision acceptable to the
Administration shall be made for the maintenance of heating arrangements,
to ensure ready starting of the generating sets.
2 Each emergency generating set arranged to be automatically started
shall be equipped with starting devices approved by the Administration with
a stored energy capability of at least three consecutive starts. A second
source of energy shall be provided for an additional three starts within
30 min unless manual starting can be demonstrated to be effective.
2.1 Ships constructed on or after 1 October 1994, in lieu of the provision
of the second sentence of paragraph 2, shall comply with the following
The source of stored energy shall be protected to preclude critical
depletion by the automatic starting system, unless a second
independent means of starting is provided. In addition, a second