3. Results and discussion
3.1. Targeting and monitoring advice
Many differences were found in the way advisors were operating
to target farmers for advice. For instance, Natural England
proactively targeted farms suitable for Higher Level Stewardship
agreements but were reactive when farmers requested consent for
particular farm practices within AES agreements. Many advisors
in the business category claimed they were reactive when undertaking
a public sector contract but proactive for private clients,
especially true for sales representatives who target large farms for
the opportunity to sell more. Two of the Rivers Trusts explained
they first target larger dairy farms near rivers by driving around
their catchments and looking for issues, whereas a Wildlife Trust
in the North West used aerial photographs to identify potential
farmers to target. Overall, 65% of advisors were both reactive and
proactive for providing advice, but only 9% stated they were solely
proactive. Many advisors highlighted that as a good reputation was
gained, less proactive work was required.
3. Results and discussion3.1. Targeting and monitoring adviceMany differences were found in the way advisors were operatingto target farmers for advice. For instance, Natural Englandproactively targeted farms suitable for Higher Level Stewardshipagreements but were reactive when farmers requested consent forparticular farm practices within AES agreements. Many advisorsin the business category claimed they were reactive when undertakinga public sector contract but proactive for private clients,especially true for sales representatives who target large farms forthe opportunity to sell more. Two of the Rivers Trusts explainedthey first target larger dairy farms near rivers by driving aroundtheir catchments and looking for issues, whereas a Wildlife Trustin the North West used aerial photographs to identify potentialfarmers to target. Overall, 65% of advisors were both reactive andproactive for providing advice, but only 9% stated they were solelyproactive. Many advisors highlighted that as a good reputation wasgained, less proactive work was required.
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