• PS 2400 : IA must communicate the results of engagements
IA in-charge must organize and draft the final report
• PS 2410: Communications must include the engagement’s objectives and scope as well as applicable conclusions, recommendations, and action plans.
• Final Report at least contains Purpose, Scope, Results of the engagement may be include background info, significant info from previous report, and summary of communication’s contents
• Client’s views must be included !
• Disagreements are fully disclosed including both positions and the reasons
• IA should provide positive feedback to engagement clients when appropriate good relationship and active in receptiveness to audit findings
• IA must fully skilled in Oral and Written communication to clearly and effectively convey matters 3 abilities 1) Inform 2) Persuade 3) Get results
• Quality of communication : Accurate, Objective, Clear, Concise, Constructive, Complete, and Timely
• Accurate : Free from errors distortions and faithful
• Objective : Fair, Impartial, Unbiased
• Clear : Easily to understood and logical, avoid unnecessary technical terms, provide all significant and relevant info
• Concise : go the point and avoid unnecessary elaboration, superfluous detail, redundancy and wordiness
• Constructive : helpful clients and lead to improvements where needed
• Complete : no lack
• Timely : appropriate corrective action
• The presentation should be coherent, consistent, Tips 7 Cs
• Both parties should be aware of the most important points in their discussion
• Graphic, Oral/Written repetition, Bulleted or numbered are good ways to emphasizing information
• Word selection helps but sensitivity in use. IA can persuade clients to accept recommendations by use strong words or emotional connotations
• If a final communication contains a significant error or omissions, the CAE must communicate corrected info to all parties who received the original communication (no need to be written form)
• IA may be asked by stakeholders to express macro opinions or micro opinions on something, assurance of macro opinion to overall of something must be based on scope of engagement. Assurance of micro opinions is usually based on a few audit projects
• CAE considers the organizational effects if the report is distributed to outside users. Consultation with Legal counsel is appropriate.
• Macro opinions are generally in writing and the form of positive assurance from overview of micro audit results
• Positive Assurance = Reasonable Assurance is the highest level and requires the highest level of evidences
• Negative Assurance = Limited Assurance
• Work of Others
# Assessing the competency, independence and objectivity of other assurance providers (outsource)*