'Twas the late afternoon on Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, excluding the electric mouse. Red's mom didn't decorate and the walls were bare, and we all ate our dinner as we awkwardly sat there. The Christmas tree was strung up with lights, and Pikachu bapped on the ornaments with delight. I didn't expect any presents to come, I knew that Christmas was never that fun. But I did enjoy spending my time with Red, and I decided I didn't need any gifts in the end.
I took a moment to admire the food before sitting down to eat dinner, and holy hell was that a dinner. Red's mom had made steak, turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, corn, an assortment of cooked vegetables that I couldn't name, and a chocolate cake that we have already been told not to eat until we ate the 'real food' first. Not that the other things weren't real food, I mean, it all looked fucking delicious. It's just that, by my standards, cake was one of the realest foods out there. But I hadn't eaten an actual home-cooked meal in 5 years. I was grateful.
I contemplated whether or not I should thank Red's mom for cooking dinner or not, but before I could say anything, her own voice pulled me out of my food-paralysis.
"(Y/n)?" She spoke gently with a soft laugh as she turned to looked at me. "Come on, sweetie, sit down. Don't be shy."
"Oh.. heh, sorry." I let out a nervous laugh as I scratched the back of my head, taking a seat in the chair next to Red. His mother sat directly across from him, and an empty chair sat directly across from me. I took brief note of the fact that the small table had 4 chairs set up instead of 3. I didn't comment.
Red looked at me with a slight smile before rolling his eyes sarcastically. I stuck my tongue out at him. His plate already had food on it, and his mother's didn't. I made eye contact with her before she gestured her hand to the table, signaling for me to grab something first. I reached over to fill my plate with a little bit of everything.
"So, where did you disappear to for 9 straight hours, mom?" Red asked with his mouth still full of mashed potatoes. He put large emphasis on the '9 straight hours' part.
"Swallow before you speak." His mom lectured, and Red snickered and rolled his eyes again before leaning back in his chair. If Red hadn't told me how long it'd been, I would of thought they still lived together like this. It was as if he were still a 5 year old who always spoke with his mouth full. I found it slightly adorable. "I got sidetracked and went to go to a friend's house. I somehow managed to fall asleep there. I was asleep for quite awhile, and as soon as I woke up I ran to the grocery store to buy dinner. I really hope I didn't worry you, hon." She muttered, watching me scoop out a shit ton of mashed potatoes for myself. "Oh my goodness, how much can a small girl like you eat?"
I let out an awkward laugh as I put my plate down and poured myself a glass of apple juice.
"Who did you see?" Red asked casually, jamming his fork into a piece of already sliced turkey. His mother was quiet for a moment.
"Oh, it was nobody, dear." She responded after about 3 seconds of silence. Red and his mother made eye contact for a couple of seconds. I slowly took a bite of my corn-on-the-cob.
It was really awkward.
"I know you're banging the professor, mom." Red stated casually as he jammed his fork into his mouth. I immediately started to choke on my food. I began to violently cough and laugh at the same time while him and his mother continued to speak.
"What?!" His mother gasped in complete shock.
"Yeah, I actually saw Blue on my way over here. He told me that he accidentally walked in on it the other day." He continued, his face not showing any sort of emotion as he spoke. I kept coughing and laughing and ohmygodicouldbarelybreathe. Red glanced over at me and I held up a finger to show him that I wasn't dying yet.
"Oh my god." His mom murmured, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. I sat with my hand on heart as I took deep breaths, slowly calming down. Red put his fork back down and began rubbing my back and laughing softly.
After a good minute of awkward chewing and silence, Red's mom sighed and began to put some food on her own plate. Red let out a snicker.
"So..." Red's mom began, probably thinking of something new to say to change the incredibly awkward tension that had just settled in. I honestly didn't care what she said, as long as it didn't have anything to do with- "(Y/n)."
"What's your life like, hon?" Her voice always seemed so soft and gentle, even when she was yelling at Red for his outburst about her and the professor. It was also very feminine but rather comforting. Her words however, were slightly nerve wracking. I nervously played the the string on my hoodie before answering.
"Oh. Ya know. I usually just hang out at home. Play with my Pokemon. Train 'em. Sometimes I do battles, but I haven't in quite awhile." I muttered, taking a bite of my steak.
"Oh, so you're a trainer?" She asked, making small talk.
"Yeah." I responded simply.
"Is that how you met Red?"
"Yeah, actually. We met on Mt. Silver. I was actually gonna challenge him, but uh...."
"But what?"
"But..." I froze for a moment. "Something came up."
"Oh.." She mumbled, deciding not to poke at a clearly sensitive wound much further. I was thankful for that. "You know, he's never had a girlfriend before. You're actually the first."
Now it was Red's turn to choke on his food. I wholeheartedly laughed.
"We're not together." I responded, giggling slightly I said it. I rubbed Red's back as he coughed, mimicking his previous gesture. His face was red as he glared at me. 'Damn this guy sure blushes a lot. He's like a little anime schoolgirl.'
"Oh? Really?" She laughed. "I'm surprised. You are a very pretty young lady."
"Oh. Well thank you." I responded, laughing slightly.
"I honestly thought you two were dating, judging by the way he talked about you..."
"The way he talked about me?" I said mockingly, raising my eyebrow and smirking as I looked at Red. His face was still pink and his eyes were wide as he looked at his mother.
"Yes. He said you were you very funny. Nice too. He said you were a little bit teasing at times, but in a 'cute' way." She smiled sarcastically at Red as she spoke. I immediately decided that I liked this lady.
"Oh, did he? How sweet." I said, looking at him with a smirk.
"I never said that she--" Red began to protest, but was quickly interrupted.
"He said that you were the first person that he's 'ever felt this way for'" She teased, resting her head on her hand as she spoke.
"I DIDN'T EVEN--" I quickly kissed Red on the top of his head before he could continue his sentence.
"Aw, I think you're cute too sweetie~" I teased, smirking at him again before taking another bite of my steak.
"Ugggh." He growled, hiding his face in his hands. Me and his mother both laughed.
' Twas บ่ายคริสต์มาส และ หัวใจ เฮาส์ สัตว์ไม่มีกวน ไม่รวมเมาส์ไฟฟ้า แม่ของแดงไม่ได้ตกแต่ง และผนังได้เปลือย และเราทุกคนกินอาหารเย็นของเราเป็นเราเก้ ๆ นั่ง ต้นคริสต์มาสถูก strung ค่าไฟ และ bapped Pikachu ในเครื่องประดับด้วยความยินดี ผมไม่ได้คาดหวังใด ๆ แสดงมา ฉันรู้ว่า คริสมาสต์ก็ไม่เคยสนุกที่ แต่ผมไม่สนุกกับการใช้เวลาของฉันกับแดง และฉันตัดสินใจไม่ได้ต้องมีของขวัญในสุด ~ผมเอาขณะที่พิสมัยอาหารก่อนที่จะนั่งลงกินอาหารค่ำ และนรกที่ศักดิ์สิทธิ์เป็นที่อาหารมื้อเย็น แม่ของแดงได้ทำสเต็ก ตุรกี มันฝรั่งผสม บรรจุ ข้าวโพด การจัดประเภทของผักสุกที่ฉันไม่สามารถชื่อ และเค้กที่เรามีการบอกไม่ให้กินจนเรากิน 'อาหารจริง' ครั้งแรก สิ่งไม่จริง อาหารผมหมายถึง มันทั้งหมดดู fucking อร่อย ก็เพียงแค่ว่า โดยมาตรฐานของฉัน เค้กเป็นหนึ่งในอาหารที่ realest ค่ะ แต่ผมไม่ได้กินจริงอาหารใน 5 ปี ผมขอบคุณผมไตร่ตรองหรือไม่ฉันจะขอบคุณแม่ของแดงสำหรับทำอาหารมื้อเย็น หรือไม่ แต่ก่อนที่ผมจะพูดอะไร เสียงของตนเองผมดึงจากอัมพาตอาหารของฉัน"(Y/n) ? " เธอพูดเบา ๆ กับหัวเราะนุ่มเธอหันไปมองที่ฉัน "โธ่ วัคซีน นั่งลง ไม่ได้ขี้อาย""โอ้... heh ขอ " ฉันให้ออกประสาทหัวเราะฉันมีรอยขีดข่วนด้านหลังของศีรษะ การนั่งเก้าอี้ถัดจากสีแดง แม่ของเขานั่งตรงฝั่งตรงข้ามเขา และมีเก้าอี้ว่างนั่งตรงฝั่งตรงข้ามผม ฉันเอาเหตุโดยย่อของข้อเท็จจริงที่ว่า ตัวเล็กได้พร้อมเก้าอี้ 4 ตัวติดตั้งแทน 3 ฉันไม่ได้คิดแดงมองฉัน ด้วยรอยยิ้มเล็กน้อยก่อนรีดตา sarcastically ผมติดอยู่ลิ้นของฉันออกมาที่เขา จานเขามีอาหารไว้แล้ว และแม่ของเขาไม่ได้ ผมทำตากับเธอก่อนเธอ gestured ตาราง มือของเธอตามปกติจะหยิบอะไรก่อน ฉันถึงกว่าเต็มจานของฉันเล็กทุกอย่าง"ดังนั้น ที่ได้คุณหายไป 9 ชั่วโมงตรง หม่อม" แดงถาม ด้วยปากของเขายังเต็มไปด้วยมันฝรั่งบด เขาใส่เน้น '9 ชั่วโมงตรง' ส่วนใหญ่"กลืนก่อนที่คุณพูด" Lectured คุณแม่ของเขา และสีแดง snickered และสะสมตาการลำในเก้าอี้ของเขา ถ้าแดงไม่ได้บอกวิธีมันมีนาน ฉันจะคิดที่พวกเขายังคงอาศัยอยู่ร่วมกันเช่นนี้ ว่า เขาอยู่ยังเป็น 5 ปีที่จะพูด ด้วยปากของเขาทั้งหมดได้ พบได้เล็กน้อยน่ารัก "ฉันมี sidetracked และไปไปให้เพื่อนบ้าน ฉันอย่างใดจัดการให้หลับมี ผมหลับค่อนข้างสักครู่ และทันทีที่ตื่นขึ้น วิ่งไปยังร้านค้าร้านขายของชำเลี้ยง ผมหวังว่า ไม่ได้กังวลคุณ hon."เธอ muttered ดูฉันตักออกคนตันของมันบดตัวเอง "โอ้ พระช่วย จำนวนผู้หญิงเล็กเหมือนคุณกิน" I let out an awkward laugh as I put my plate down and poured myself a glass of apple juice."Who did you see?" Red asked casually, jamming his fork into a piece of already sliced turkey. His mother was quiet for a moment."Oh, it was nobody, dear." She responded after about 3 seconds of silence. Red and his mother made eye contact for a couple of seconds. I slowly took a bite of my corn-on-the-cob.It was really awkward."I know you're banging the professor, mom." Red stated casually as he jammed his fork into his mouth. I immediately started to choke on my food. I began to violently cough and laugh at the same time while him and his mother continued to speak."What?!" His mother gasped in complete shock."Yeah, I actually saw Blue on my way over here. He told me that he accidentally walked in on it the other day." He continued, his face not showing any sort of emotion as he spoke. I kept coughing and laughing and ohmygodicouldbarelybreathe. Red glanced over at me and I held up a finger to show him that I wasn't dying yet."Oh my god." His mom murmured, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. I sat with my hand on heart as I took deep breaths, slowly calming down. Red put his fork back down and began rubbing my back and laughing softly.After a good minute of awkward chewing and silence, Red's mom sighed and began to put some food on her own plate. Red let out a snicker."So..." Red's mom began, probably thinking of something new to say to change the incredibly awkward tension that had just settled in. I honestly didn't care what she said, as long as it didn't have anything to do with- "(Y/n)." Dammit."What's your life like, hon?" Her voice always seemed so soft and gentle, even when she was yelling at Red for his outburst about her and the professor. It was also very feminine but rather comforting. Her words however, were slightly nerve wracking. I nervously played the the string on my hoodie before answering."Oh. Ya know. I usually just hang out at home. Play with my Pokemon. Train 'em. Sometimes I do battles, but I haven't in quite awhile." I muttered, taking a bite of my steak."Oh, so you're a trainer?" She asked, making small talk."Yeah." I responded simply."Is that how you met Red?""Yeah, actually. We met on Mt. Silver. I was actually gonna challenge him, but uh....""But what?""But..." I froze for a moment. "Something came up.""Oh.." She mumbled, deciding not to poke at a clearly sensitive wound much further. I was thankful for that. "You know, he's never had a girlfriend before. You're actually the first."Now it was Red's turn to choke on his food. I wholeheartedly laughed."We're not together." I responded, giggling slightly I said it. I rubbed Red's back as he coughed, mimicking his previous gesture. His face was red as he glared at me. 'Damn this guy sure blushes a lot. He's like a little anime schoolgirl.'"Oh? Really?" She laughed. "I'm surprised. You are a very pretty young lady.""Oh. Well thank you." I responded, laughing slightly."I honestly thought you two were dating, judging by the way he talked about you...""The way he talked about me?" I said mockingly, raising my eyebrow and smirking as I looked at Red. His face was still pink and his eyes were wide as he looked at his mother."Yes. He said you were you very funny. Nice too. He said you were a little bit teasing at times, but in a 'cute' way." She smiled sarcastically at Red as she spoke. I immediately decided that I liked this lady."Oh, did he? How sweet." I said, looking at him with a smirk."I never said that she--" Red began to protest, but was quickly interrupted."He said that you were the first person that he's 'ever felt this way for'" She teased, resting her head on her hand as she spoke."I DIDN'T EVEN--" I quickly kissed Red on the top of his head before he could continue his sentence."Aw, I think you're cute too sweetie~" I teased, smirking at him again before taking another bite of my steak."Ugggh." He growled, hiding his face in his hands. Me and his mother both laughed.
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