Dear All Genpo PH team ,
Here below is the details of GSP -PH workshop during Aug 4-8 from GSP Roll out team .
Actually , I 'd already sent some nearly information to Genpo GSP-FI team .
By the way , below is for your more information .
As their request , please let me remind you again ;
(1) Could you confirm related members availability of the week of 4.Aug and let us know, please.
Submit the name list of participants
Send it to Mr.Sakai ( e-mail address : ) and CC to me & Ms.Chalita Saisanit ASH
(2) Could you read PDDs for expanded scope beforehand for the efficiency of the workshop, please. (HATC, TH, HPM, HPPM, HMSB)
*you don't have to read not all topics of PDD, but we'd appreciate if you read at least 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.7 for expanded PDDs.