As a practical and novel application of watermarking, a
digital watermarking-based image quality evaluation
method that can accurately estimate image quality in terms
of the classical objective metrics, such as peak signal-tonoise
ratio (PSNR). At the same time care is taken to
prevent the unauthorized use of images commercially. In
visible watermarking, a secondary image is embedded in
primary image such that watermark is intentionally
perceptible to observer. The quality of watermarked image
is adjusted using
found out using a mathematical model developed by
exploiting the texture sensitivity of the human visual
system (HVS). This ensures that the perceptual quality of
the image is better preserved. In this proposed project, we
describe a visible marking scheme that is applied in to the
host image in DCT domain. Using MATLAB we are
developing different function for each block and its
mathematical model will be further developed.