As in thc bchavioral treatment group, thc same therapists who provided 1:1 tcaching also scrved as aides in the mainstrcam unit or classroom. Also similar to the arrangements in the behavioral treat- ment group, the majority of the time in the main- stream classroom was not used to implement standardized insurucuional programs or systematic work lowards educational goals. The l: hours in the eclectic group were analyzed in the same way as in the behavioral group; that is as either l 1 hours spent on working towards educational goals or as l:l hours of practical assistance. The organization of supervision and staff training for the eclectic programs were in some ways similar to that of the behavioral group. A special education teacher(2 children) or a supervisor from the regional Habilitation Services(8 children) or a combination of the two(5 children) would do one or two weekly consultations of about 2 hours. The agency to be responsible for supervision was deter mined in the interdisciplinary educational planning process for each child, within each agency a partic- ular person was assigned on the basis of capacity or geographical location. These consultations were used to train and supervise the treatment personnel. As in the behavioral group, a team of 2-4 therapists were recruited trom the kindergarten or school to do the daily work with the child. Also, a psychologist from the Local Educational Authority or the regional Habilitations Services would oversee the program making 2-4 visits per semester