Key Factors Influencing Choice.
For our focus group, we deducted that style and durability are key essentials to our target consumers when purchasing shoes. For most price is not a huge factor unless they were shopping for more of an athletic positioned shoe, i.e. Nikes for sports. This was surprising and interesting to our agency team, as Vans are not considered to the average consumer as an athletic shoe. Vans were in a category all their own in our consumers minds and are more of an accessory or casual shoe. This was interesting though because even though almost every participant in our focus group owned a pair of Vans shoes, all participants had a relatively same stereotype of “who wears Vans” or who they would assume would be wearing the shoes in an advertisement. This was exciting for our agency because not only could all the participants agree on a stereotype, but that they all agreed they could individually identify with Vans as a brand and find a pair of shoes that fit in with their fashion/lifestyle.