To remain an effective teacher of reading, one must continually explore and assess the
developments within the field. For years, reading was taught using a physical text and the
turning of pages. However, with the push of technology in the classroom and a quicklydeveloping
technology field, students and teachers will soon be faced with electronic libraries.
A variety of options are available, including The Kindle, The Nook, The iPad, The Sony Reader,
and simply text online. Schools districts nationwide are considering the elimination of textbooks
and books and are researching the purchase of electronic readers. Although technology
integration is considered both motivating and effective, the question remains if the electronic
book provides the best method of reading and comprehension for the student. Although the
electronic book is quickly heading to the forefront, it has yet to be established as an effective tool
in a student’s learning. This chapter discussed the participants, procedures, and methods of data
analysis used to complete this study. This study was conducted accordingly, evaluating the
effects of the electronic reader on silent comprehension.