5. Conduct the role-play. During the role-play,your assessor will be assessing:
a. how you engage with Maria (for example, using questioning and listening skills to determine the type of learning Maria requires, and how you build a rapport in order to reach agreement with Maria)
b. how you overcome resistance to training with persistence and interpersonal skills
c. the conclusions you draw from your conversation and a clear explanation of how you will help the learning opportunities as her supervisor
d. the planning processes you will use to ensure success (for example, how you will implement and monitor learning and evaluate its success in collaboration with Maria; your ability to negotiate timeframes for action).
Part B: Learning styles
1. Research learning styles, especially behavioural traits that will assist in recognising these, and what to look for in a professional development opportunity that best suits an individual’s learning style.
2. Read the case study of team member profiles at the end of this assessment.
3. Consider the following questions.
• For each of the three persons described in the case study, what is the predominant learning style (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic) of each individual?List the clues given in the case study.Justify your answers and include references to your research.
• If you were arranging training/professional development sessions,describe some strategies that you would look for in the program delivery descriptions, notes/handouts, and study materials whichmightassist the learning of a person favouring each learning style.Describe at least three for each learning style.
4. Prepare a document for submission to your assessor with answers to the above questions.
Part C: Develop individualsand teams
1. Consider the scenario at the end of this assessment task.
2. Consider your team members’ profiles in the case study.
3. Formulate a training strategy to meet the needs implied by the scenario, including:
a. objectives for the organisation with regard to customer service and internal processes (to be met with training and development)
b. an explanation of gaps between the current state and the objectives. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the team? What are their current competencies? What competencies do they require for their positions?
c. a set of actions to close the gap within the required timelines. What sorts of programs would help close the gaps?
d. monitoring activities to ensure the strategy stays on track. How will you measure success?
4. Document the strategy to submit to your assessor.
You must:
● participate in a coaching/mentoring role-play
● submit a set of answers to coaching/mentoring questions
● submit a set of answers to scenario-based learning style questions
● submit a training strategy.
Your assessor will be looking for:
● writing skills to develop strategies using appropriate business language and style
● oral communication and listening skills to identify training needs and consult effectively with team members on their training and development needs
● negotiating skills to agree on outcomes with others
● management skills to interpret own role in developing others to meet business objectives
● planning skills to develop strategies and schedules to meet clear objectives and business needs
● analytical skills to identify learning styles
● research skills to identify references
● ability to use business technologies such as word processing software.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
● No changes to the assessment procedure or specifications are required.
● The role-play may be conducted via video or teleconferencing.
● Documentation may be submitted electronically.
● A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).