f. line being formed on.if a line is being formed on the guide of that line becomes the guide.
g.guide hauling out.if a line guide make that signal to disregard his movement and hauls out of the line the next ship in that line his to become guide of that line.if the line guide is not at the end of his line the next ship ahead or the next ship to starbord in his line is to become line guide depending on whether the fomation is in column or in the line abreast/line of bearing respectively.in the case of the guide hauling out the new guide of that line is to become the guide.
h. guide ceases to be line guide. in a maneuver performed simuttaneousely by each time if the guide ceases to be guid of his line then the new line guide of that line become the guide.
i.forming loose line of column.When forming loose line column the leading ship automatically become the guide.
j.altering course by search turn.the wing ship on the side alway from the direction of the new course is to turn on the course indicated and become the guide.see fig 2-1.