the legal and thc ultimate sovere political sovereigns practicallycoincide because the people irectl concerned in making laws. The ed with is not a mere opinion, but a Taw itself. They also elect and remove their rulers. In an indirect democracy representatives of the people make laws. They constitute the legal sovereign and the people who elect their representatives may roug becapcanne tical sovereign w ougl conform to the wishes of the electorate and the legisla must bey their mandate. If they do not, the electorate and the legislature are not in harmony with one another and disharmony between th two tends to create political friction. Really, legal and litical sovereign are s. They are two aspects of the sovereignty of the State two separate en hrough different channels. When there is friction between ough expresse the two i is highly detrimental to good government. Law must be the anifestatio f the w of the people and if the legalsovereign cannot accept the verdict of the ign, the representatives of the people should bere elected and the legislature reorganised andrec ed so as to the mirror of their opinion aski has rightly said that individual is, ultimate ly, the supreme arbiter of his behaviour"if and the State is to be a mo entity, it must be built upon the organised acquiescence of the members The last word remains with the ultimate sovereign, the electorate. Indeed, some democratic States there often seems to be, says Laski, "a larger degree
the legal and thc ultimate sovere political sovereigns practicallycoincide because the people irectl concerned in making laws. The ed with is not a mere opinion, but a Taw itself. They also elect and remove their rulers. In an indirect democracy representatives of the people make laws. They constitute the legal sovereign and the people who elect their representatives may roug becapcanne tical sovereign w ougl conform to the wishes of the electorate and the legisla must bey their mandate. If they do not, the electorate and the legislature are not in harmony with one another and disharmony between th two tends to create political friction. Really, legal and litical sovereign are s. They are two aspects of the sovereignty of the State two separate en hrough different channels. When there is friction between ough expresse the two i is highly detrimental to good government. Law must be the anifestatio f the w of the people and if the legalsovereign cannot accept the verdict of the ign, the representatives of the people should bere elected and the legislature reorganised andrec ed so as to the mirror of their opinion aski has rightly said that individual is, ultimate ly, the supreme arbiter of his behaviour"if and the State is to be a mo entity, it must be built upon the organised acquiescence of the members The last word remains with the ultimate sovereign, the electorate. Indeed, some democratic States there often seems to be, says Laski, "a larger degree
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