Good point and travel activity.
1. measure the water rapids, Laem ngop of Trat province District specializes in water was measured in Taman Rama Temple RAM-5 had impressed coming. At present, water measurement specialist has been recruited from the national Buddhism Bureau, as a measure of development, for example, there are annual in śarīra 2548 (2005) Temple and Phra Pang occurred daily, which the public and tourists can come to pray to a plain.
2. Al-Masjid Muslim Thai residents groups wait kup first came up with the only competent district as his administration was assumed that private "this herd were swept into the war against the Vietnamese people in Cambodia, there are 3 matching Rama learn written language that is used in the Bible Holy Quran mosque or Masjid is created the first time the House has wooden water evolution is embroidery, using many original thatch roof 4 zones with a prong is a liver as liver from the same UV protection roof for rain later, when Muslims to settle down, of course, is more secure, better conditions have not till now.Khlue nayai from the original location, but somehow this mosque, "which is currently named" Masjid Al-kup wait "is located in the canal water specialist.
3. natural study center the mangrove ecosystem Established by cooperation between municipal water resource development and evolution. The mangrove forest at 4 (water rapids trad) Established to promote the development of the mangrove area, potential. Can be used as a research source for learning of the young people and the general public, and to promote education and community involvement in conservation? Refresh so that the mangrove area. With its abundance of Inside, there are bird watching Tower Center that can illuminate the bird watching. There are a variety of animals, such as monkeys, fish, crab, s/s valve also can watch the fireflies at night as well.