trainers so that they could assess an individual adaptation of the
weekly work volume.
SampEn is a measure of the degree of order of a biological signal.
The higher the SampEn value, the higher is the degree of complexity
of the signal, while values lower than 0.5 could indicate
a loss of complexity, a tendency for the signal to become regular
and predictable [37]. Up until now, the behaviour of SampEn
with the accumulation of work over time in high level athletes
has not been described, but logic indicates that it should not
change, since the complexity of the signal is an intrinsic property
that should be related to health status, and not to fatigue or
to the balance or imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic
system. It has effectively been shown in this study
(●▶ Fig. 4, ●▶ Table 1, 2) that the group values of SampEn were
always above 1, and with a clear tendency to stability throughout
the season, regardless of the behaviour of the rest of the values.
Only at the end (in the last value) can a fall be observed as
regards the other data, although its numerical value (1.07) cannot
be interpreted as abnormal.
The main limitation of this study lies in not having a valid tool for
the control of internal workload of the players, both in matches
and training sessions. The behaviour of the HRV throughout the
season is promising and fits with the subjective perception of
physical trainers and doctors about the physical status of the team.
trainers so that they could assess an individual adaptation of theweekly work volume.SampEn is a measure of the degree of order of a biological signal.The higher the SampEn value, the higher is the degree of complexityof the signal, while values lower than 0.5 could indicatea loss of complexity, a tendency for the signal to become regularand predictable [37]. Up until now, the behaviour of SampEnwith the accumulation of work over time in high level athleteshas not been described, but logic indicates that it should notchange, since the complexity of the signal is an intrinsic propertythat should be related to health status, and not to fatigue orto the balance or imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympatheticsystem. It has effectively been shown in this study(●▶ Fig. 4, ●▶ Table 1, 2) that the group values of SampEn werealways above 1, and with a clear tendency to stability throughoutthe season, regardless of the behaviour of the rest of the values.Only at the end (in the last value) can a fall be observed asregards the other data, although its numerical value (1.07) cannotbe interpreted as abnormal.The main limitation of this study lies in not having a valid tool forthe control of internal workload of the players, both in matchesand training sessions. The behaviour of the HRV throughout theseason is promising and fits with the subjective perception ofphysical trainers and doctors about the physical status of the team.
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