Group discussion brings about more chances for students to practice their English. While sitting in the group,
most students have a sense of safety and are willing to communicate, consequently their language fluency and
accuracy get improved. In student-oriented classroom, students often have more confidence when expressing
their ideas. For most time, they are the center in the classroom, what’s more, to perform better in class, they have
an internal urge to study hard in and after class, gradually their self-access learning abilities will be promoted.
With so many merits, CL has its own weaknesses. Sometimes, the listening materials may be too simple for
some students while others may fell they are too difficult. It is really difficult for the teacher to find appropriate
teaching approaches and learning materials to satisfy the needs of all the students at different academic levels.
Limited time is another troublesome problem for the teacher, after all, all the tasks such as presentation,
evaluation need much time. Despite all the weaknesses, CL is effective in this research and brings students
remarkable academic achievements.
According to Krashen’s (1987) Input Hypothesis, acquisition is crucial for learners’ mastery of language. The
more comprehensible inputs they acquire, the more comprehensible outputs they will produce. Listening, as one
of the most important inputs, is worthy of more attention from both English teachers and students. The adoption
of CL in listening classes not only makes the learning environments more interesting, natural and real, but also
greatly improves the students’ communicative competence. The author hopes more researches on CL will be
carried out in various teaching fields. The author also suggests further research particularly on the effectiveness
of Dr Hosseini’s (2012) approach to CL, namely Competitive Team-Based Learning, which has been developed
based on his Cognitive Socio-Political Language Learning Theory.
Group discussion brings about more chances for students to practice their English. While sitting in the group,most students have a sense of safety and are willing to communicate, consequently their language fluency andaccuracy get improved. In student-oriented classroom, students often have more confidence when expressingtheir ideas. For most time, they are the center in the classroom, what’s more, to perform better in class, they havean internal urge to study hard in and after class, gradually their self-access learning abilities will be promoted.With so many merits, CL has its own weaknesses. Sometimes, the listening materials may be too simple forsome students while others may fell they are too difficult. It is really difficult for the teacher to find appropriateteaching approaches and learning materials to satisfy the needs of all the students at different academic levels.Limited time is another troublesome problem for the teacher, after all, all the tasks such as presentation,evaluation need much time. Despite all the weaknesses, CL is effective in this research and brings studentsremarkable academic achievements.According to Krashen’s (1987) Input Hypothesis, acquisition is crucial for learners’ mastery of language. Themore comprehensible inputs they acquire, the more comprehensible outputs they will produce. Listening, as oneof the most important inputs, is worthy of more attention from both English teachers and students. The adoptionof CL in listening classes not only makes the learning environments more interesting, natural and real, but alsogreatly improves the students’ communicative competence. The author hopes more researches on CL will becarried out in various teaching fields. The author also suggests further research particularly on the effectivenessof Dr Hosseini’s (2012) approach to CL, namely Competitive Team-Based Learning, which has been developedbased on his Cognitive Socio-Political Language Learning Theory.
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