To Whom it my concern,
I started talking to Sureerut and her son Ray in July of 2014. Over a period of one year of talking to them, I realized I was falling in love, and bonding with them both. Around November 2014, we started talking every morning and evening. Over this time I got to know them both quite well.
While I was in Thailand, on December 2015, we got married. It was very enjoyable doing things as a family, such as traveling, sightseeing, touring the Temple was an unbelievable experience that I will never forget. Her family was also involved, with everything we did, giving us all a chance to get to know each other. One of the highlights of my trips was going to the islands and swimming with Ray, also doing one on one things with him. I thought it was funny when he drove the go-cart, he was so happy. Every day was filled with fun and love. There was one time I was scarred, while on one of my trips. I am a big guy, I weigh 260 pounds and Sureerut rented a motorcycle on one of the islands we stayed at and I was the passenger. She did a great job, I lived to write you this letter (just kidding). They know I like to joke.
I just loved her family, from minute one. I have Sureerut to thank for that. She would always talk to them about me, telling them what I was like and she would tell me all about them. It was like I knew them before meeting with them. When it was time to meet them I felt extremely comfortable because I already knew them. You know how meeting some one new, you have an awkward feeling? I never had that. I just fell in love with Sureeruts mother, I would talk to her by video and Sureerut would translate for me. I don't like to say I have favorite people but her aunty Da da is so sweet. I really really like her. I liked everyone but, Da da was so much fun. As I write this letter and think of her and am laughing. The entire framly is unbelievable. I was welcomed to the family with open hearts. I cant say enough about them.
I am so excited knowing that my family will be joining me here soon. After they get here my first priority will be entering my son into school, to learn better English and to get involved in the activities they have to offer in our school system. I know Ray has an interest in horse back riding, I have friends that have horses and they can not wait to teach him to ride. I know that will put a smile on his face. Well, I have to say it will put a smile on mine as well. I look forward to teaching new things to Ray. He is thirteen years old now, soon he will be driving and I have many places in the desert that I have picked out to teach him to drive. I have a new jeep that I can go 4x4ing in the mountains with them. I also like to camp, both Sureerut and Ray are interested in camping. There are so many things I want to do with them. I have to laugh to my self, every time I say, you are welcome, to Ray, he would say "welcome to Disney Land", so, guess were we will be going? Yes, Disney.
I also enjoy hiking and plan on taking them on some really nice trails. I know Sureerut is not interested in hunting, but Ray is. I plan on teaching him how to hunt. I know he is interested but has not gone before, we will see if he likes it. My activities are limited but I can do a little at a time.
I am so excited about my family coming here that over two months ago I got the house ready for them. I cleaned out the spare room which will be Rays. I also cleaned out my closet for all of Sureeruts' clothing. I was so excited that I even walked around the house while on a video call to show them everything. Ray was so excited, I just had to laugh. I want to make both of them happy and experience new things with them. My whole family is excited that they are coming here. Everyday they ask if I have any more information on when they are coming. My mother wants to take Sureerut shopping, and do other girl things. I will be taking Ray out while the girls do their shopping. I know Ray loves pizza and so do I, we will hit the pizza joints when we are alone together. I hope Sureerut will like the food here, she likes soups and vegies but, we do not have soups like Thailand does. I have already checked out where the local temple is for them. It is around 15 mile from here. I also found a Thailand grocery store where I know we will be shopping at.
Over the course of one year I sent Sureerut $5200. I did this because I wanted to help make things a little easier for her and our son. I also have sent them many items by mail, 10 to be exact. I would send clothing, hats, candy, and toys. I had to laugh at one of the boxes I sent was filled full of candy, I told her to share with everyone, even her co-workers. I sent two boxes of candy and that was enough of the candy, it cast $120 to ship one of the boxes that only had $50 worth of candy. Please don't think I am cheap for not sending much by mail. The way I look at it