People1 : what’s “Kingdom Monera”
Pp:2 Kingdom Monera
- Comprised of 2 subkingdoms: Archaeabacteriobion & Eubacteruaibionta
- Prokaryotic; single-celled with no nucleus
- Bacteria
- Both Autotrophs and heterotorphs
- Roles in oceans: base of food chian, converters of nitrogen gas into useful forms for organisms, decomposers.
- Organisms in the Kingdom Monera lack nuclei and organelles and most of their cell walls are made up of peptidoglycan (except archaebacteria)
- Most organisms in K.Monera uses flagella for movement
- Digestion is done extracellular(outside the cell) and nutrients are absorbed into the cell
- Saprophytes is a special kind of heterotroph, obtain energy by feeding on decaying matter
- Some bacteria live in symbiotic relationships with other organisms, parasitism (harmful to the host), commensalism (one organism benefits while the other is unaffected), and mutualism (both organism benefits)
- Reproduce through binary fission (asexual) or conjugation (sexual)
Characteristics of the Monera Kingdom:
Heterotrophic and autotrophic
(Heterotrophic - Organism that can't synthesize (make) it's own food)
(Autotrophic - Organism that CAN make it's own food - photosynthesis)
Anaerobic and aerobic respiration
aquatic, terrestrial and in the air
mostly asexual
mostly non motile (1 form does move)