I did better than last week because last week , I wasn’t pronouncing the vowels and consonants of some word but This week, I thought , I did well about the words was pronouncing correctly and I spoke smooth natural of the sentences that very easy to understanding the meaning.
– Before I listened back to podcast 5 and I tried to find about I wasn’t pronouncing the vowels and consonants of some word. I practiced about pronunciation of some word and tired to find the news report that have different from last week which was very different because I need to try to the news report that have easy to understanding, so I practiced about pronunciation of the words and the sentences. -During I intended to try about the pronouncing correctly to be exactly the same as native language. I propose to try pronouncing the vowels and consonant correctly of some word. -After I felt relaxant when I finished and I listened back to my recording ,I checked about pronunciation , understand the meaning and smooth natural of sentences.
When I listened back my podcast 5 I thought , I could to improve it because I did well about the sentences was pronouncing correctly and I spoke smooth natural of some word that very easy to understand the meaning but I didn’t sure about the pronouncing correctly was exactly the same as the native language.
I thought, the pronunciation correctly of some word was very easy but the pronunciation correctly of some word the same as the native language was very difficult. I thought this podcast, I could to improve about the pronunciation of some sentence.
I need to focus on the pronunciation correctly of some word the same as the native language because I thought, I am not sure about pronouncing correctly of some word.
I think , I ‘m not pronouncing the vowels and consonant correctly of some word but some word I am not sure For example- I am not sure about pronunciation of “accumulate”.