The leader suggested that Berrin pick up some heavy objects and hold them as she looked at each person in the group. She could be invited to allow herself to get into the experience of the heaviness and being burdened. For example, while holding the heavy objects, she might make the rounds and complete the sentence, “Looking at you I am burdened by _______.” Or she might say something to each member such as, “Here, let me take on all your burdens. I really enjoy carrying everyone’s problems, and I just wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have all these burdens weighing me down!” Even though she said that she was sick and tired of carrying around everyone’s burdens, we encouraged her to allow herself to give in to the part of herself that felt burdened and experiment with telling others all the benefits of being this way. The rationale here was that if she could fully experience being burdened there was a good chance she could allow herself to experience shedding these burdens and being light, at least for a few moments. Often the best way to discover the aspect of ourselves that we say we’d like to experience more of is to allow ourselves to stay with that part of us that we want to avoid.