Although standardized reading curriculum and teaching approaches are used in the
Saudi elementary schools, standards for the frustration, instructional and accelerated levels
need to be set and standardized reading tests need to be developed in order to test the
effectiveness of the basal readers and reading instruction provided to see whether the
students' needs are met. Student and teacher surveys can be administered to collect data
about the reading problems, effectiveness of the basal readers and teaching approaches
prescribed in them, children's favorite themes, and aspects of word identification and
comprehension that receive more or less attention. Metacognitive reading strategies and
techniques can be taught to the students during basal reading instruction. Web-based
reading materials and activities may also be used as a supplement to the basal readers. Out
of class independent reading - which is currently lacking - must be encouraged as well.
This way, Saudi elementary students will become independent readers and enjoy reading in
and outside school.