The final difference between Malaysian and Shanghai mathematics education is that Malaysian students
underwent an extra year of Form 6 or pre-university study as compared to Shanghai students. Thus, they
managed to learn all the belated contents. For example, the Shanghai syllabus did not introduce the
concept of series in upper secondary school while the Malaysian students learned the sum of finite and
infinite convergent series in their Form 6 syllabus. In the Shanghai syllabus, the concept of discrete
random variable and continuous random variable were mentioned in the learning of normal distribution
without detailed discussion. Conversely, in Malaysia, the distribution of both types of random variables
was discussed. In the learning of estimation, Shanghai only had point estimation; while in Malaysia, both
internal estimation and point estimation were introduced. Finally, differential equations, limit of functions,
continuity of functions, time series, index numbers, and variation were all found in the Malaysian but not
in the Shanghai syllabus.