I know the reason why I notified to you may not be sufficient to recover my account back.
But before that you have to suspend my account. You should let me know before the actual data.
So that I may improve or correct. If I am guilty.
In fact it was not only just my account is suspended. It also includes an account of my niece.
We use the same computer in the use. Maybe they will do something wrong.
When you analyze truly will know that we are not deceived anyone.
I get one account on my back."jusmin99" That's quite enough for me.
I created this account for a long time. (for me) And I have a good friend that is waiting for me.
I'm not good at English and I spent a lot of time writing to you.
Hope you(The team) have mercy on me.
After this, I will respect the rules and do not cause any errors again.
Just give me a chance.
I tried to read all of this. And I not good as English, I really don't know how to do.