Defining Advertising
In marketing management texts advertising is conventionally regarded as
one element of the promotional mix, a management tool defined by its
explicitly promotional, mediated and paid-for character, and differentiated
from other marketing communications disciplines such as public relations,
personal selling, corporate communications, sales promotion and so on.
In turn, promotion is regarded as one sub-category of the marketing management mix of price, product (design) and distribution. The advertising
industry often pays little regard to such hierarchical sub-divisions, preferring
to see all marketing elements as interacting parts of a whole. This view
cuts across communications disciplines and acknowledges the interlocking
and symbiotic relation of the elements of marketing. Advertising man Bill
Bernbach’s reputed comment that ‘Nothing kills a bad product faster than
good advertising’ illustrates well the pitfalls of taking a compartmentalized
view of marketing activities. Marketing operations and marketing
communication are interdependent in important respects
Defining AdvertisingIn marketing management texts advertising is conventionally regarded asone element of the promotional mix, a management tool defined by itsexplicitly promotional, mediated and paid-for character, and differentiatedfrom other marketing communications disciplines such as public relations,personal selling, corporate communications, sales promotion and so on.In turn, promotion is regarded as one sub-category of the marketing management mix of price, product (design) and distribution. The advertisingindustry often pays little regard to such hierarchical sub-divisions, preferringto see all marketing elements as interacting parts of a whole. This viewcuts across communications disciplines and acknowledges the interlockingand symbiotic relation of the elements of marketing. Advertising man BillBernbach’s reputed comment that ‘Nothing kills a bad product faster thangood advertising’ illustrates well the pitfalls of taking a compartmentalizedview of marketing activities. Marketing operations and marketing communication are interdependent in important respects
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