The manufacturing reputation of a particular country can change over time. Studies conducted that the "made in the USA" image lost ground to during the 1970s and 1980s indicated the "mode in Japan- image. Today, however, U.s. brands are finding renewed acceptance glob- ally. Examples include the Jeep Cherokee, clothing from Lands' End and American Ap and Budweiser beer, an of which are being successfully marketed with strong USA" themes. American Apparel is building a global brand the positioning "Made in Downtown LA" ls on fashion items are available in the European Union (EU). Switzerland, Japan. and, most recently. China. Will the company's T-shirts and other logo-free basics appeal to fashion-conscious Chinese youth? CEO Dov Charney admits it will be a challenge. American Apparel sells under stated "wei-designed basics wheres luxury goods are a "bit bourgeoisie and nouveau riche." he said recently. But, he added. "The people tend to like Audi better than the Bentley. so young maybe it can work. As brand strategist Eli Portnoy points out. the fact that American Apparel's clothes are actually made in America appeals to Chinese consumers That is a distinction that will give it cachet young fashion-oriented Chinese: Portnoy says.