• While the LinkStation is powered on, never unplug or remove drives without dismounting them first, and never replace a running drive. Power down the LinkStation before changing the drive.
• For the replacement drive, use a Buffalo OP-HDBST series drive. The new drive should be the same size or larger as the replaced drive. If a larger drive is used, the extra space will not be usable in a RAID 0 array. However with RAID 1, you can expand current RAID array capacity if you replace a drive with a larger-sized hard drive. To expand the capacity, refer to the "Expanding the RAID Array Capacity
" section above for the instructions.
• If there is existing data on the replacement drive, back it up as all data on the drive will be lost during the replacement process.
• If sending a defective drive to Buffalo for replacement, please keep the cartridge as Buffalo will only replace the hard drive and not the cartridge.
• To avoid damaging the LinkStation with static electricity, ground yourself by touching something made of metal before handling any sensitive electronic parts.
• Do not change the order of the hard drives in the LinkStation. For example, pulling out drive 1 and replacing it with drive 2 may cause data to be corrupted or lost.