Coal and natural gas are the most common sources of energy that gets turned into electricity. The burning of these substances is a major factor in world air pollution. Reducing your reliance on electricity is a great way to play a part in saving the planet.[3] Here's what you can do:
• Use solar power for home and water heating.
• Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.
• If you have central air conditioning, do not close vents in unused rooms.
• Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120.
• Turn down or shut off your water heater when you will be away for extended periods.
• Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.
• Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 to 5 .
• When using an oven, minimize door opening while it is in use; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 every time you open the door.
• Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so that it uses less energy.
• Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.
• Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.
• Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.
• Plant trees to shade your home.
• Replace old windows with energy efficient ones.
• Keep your thermostat higher in summer and lower in winter when you are away.
• Insulate your home as best as you can.