Authorities failed to reach a conclusion as on how to deal with Phra Dhammajayo who faces an arrest warrant, at their second sai meeting yesterday and will re-convene op again next Tuesday to sound out solutions. ing Wat Phra Dham makaya's embat- wa tled abbot has failed to come forward to ecu acknowledge charges of money laundering co and receiving stolen assets in connection rea with the Klongchan Credit Union Coop- mo erative embezzlement case despite the de Criminal Court having approved an arrest an warrant against him. On Friday, the abbot's representatives in proposed three conditions: the abbot must wi be granted bail when hearing the charges; Phra Theprattanasuthi, who is the chief To monk of Pathum Thani province in which pr Wat Phra Dhammakaya is located, must ag also be present when the Department of re Special Investigation (DSI) meets the abbot; and only a medical team from Phramong- is kutklao Hospital could be sent to check on ku the health of the 72-year-old abbot. The DSI, the National Office of Bud- dhism (ONAB), and Phra Theprattanasuthi is met yesterday to find out how to deal with th these conditions.Wat Phra Dhammakaya did not send a representative to attend the meeting as requested DSI deputy chief, Somboon Sarasit, said after the meeting were three or four options for dealing with the abbot, includ ing expediting the investigation and for warding the probe's report to public pros ecutors regardless of whether the abbot's conditions for meeting authorities will be reached; seeking help from the governing monk in Pathum Thani and the ONAB to deal with the monk based on the Clergy Act and seeking cooperation from oth parties.