Dear Ivah,
Pls provide the cost as below.
- Agency fee : USD 100/Docs >> the cost in quotation is USD 80/Docs
- Storage : usd 480/shpt >> Pls calculate for storage charge.
- Cleaning :Usd 10/20'DC >> this shipment is ISOTANK(SOC) has cleaning charge?
- Overnight charge 6 OCT-9 OCT : USD 840 >> Total 4 day but Shipper will pay 2 day (6 OCT-7 OCT) first only for over will pay by PT.Cakraindo.
** Pls invoice this charge to cnee directly as usd 263 per days(8 OCT-9 OCT : USD 526/2Days) . For profit in this charge are 50/50 with me.**
Thanks & B.Regards,