Energy for sustainable development Special issue on wind energy
The rapid growth in utility scale wind power generation in the last
decade suggests that wind power is, in many ways, a mature technology.
ESD focuses on development and generally considers technologies
that are promising and likely to be viable in the near term, including
economic and policy analysis recommendations. Highly technical papers
and those addressing technical details are left to journals focusing
on specialized disciplines. However, because of the technical maturity
of wind power, papers that would normally be considered too technical
and esoteric for this journal are included in this special issue selection.
In putting together this issue, we considered some 30 papers submitted
since late 2012. The final selection comprises ten. Two of these papers (Astle
et al., 2013 andWhite andWakes, 2014) were published in previous issues
of ESD. Because most papers are accessed through theWeb, we thought it
best to expand the special issue into a Virtual Special Issue (VSI) and include
some other key papers on wind power that have already appeared in ESD.
The papers in the VSI fall into the seven categories listed below. The
eight papers that appear in this issue are shown in bold.