Osteoporosis is a disease associated with aging that causes fragility of bones making them susceptible to fractures with minor trauma. Bone is a dynamic organ that undergoes lifelong changes by bone remodeling using specialized cells and is the predominant process after attaining peak bone mass around the third decade. Remodeling is an essential process for maintaining the skeleton by repairing any damaged portions and removal of old bone as well as for discharging calcium and phosphorus from bone stores to maintain ionic homeostasis in the body. An imbalance in the process of bone remodeling where there is increased bone resorption alone or in combination with decreased bone formation results in net loss of bone. After attaining peak bone mass during the third decade, humans start losing bones at the rate of 0.6 to 1% every year for the rest of their lives. In case of women, during menopausal age, there is drastic loss of bone.