3.2. Yield and yield componentsIn mycorrhizal (+AM) and nonmycorrhizal (−AM) plants, totaland marketable yields decreased sharply in response to pH 3.5 + Al.The lowest marketable production observed on plants treated withaluminium in comparison to low pH and control (pH 6.0) treat-ments was mainly attributed to a reduction in both the number ofzucchini fruits per plant and the mean weight (Table 1). Moreover,with pH 3.5 and pH 3.5 + Al, the percentage of yield reduction incomparison to control was significantly lower in +AM than −AMplants, with the highest yield reduction recorded with pH 3.5 + Alin comparison to those recorded with pH 3.5 treatment (Table 1).Irrespective of nutrient solution pH level and aluminium concen-tration, the marketable yield was significantly higher by 14.7% inzucchini plants supplied with AM inoculum (avg. 3.9 kg plant−1) incomparison to the noninoculated plants (avg. 3.4 kg plant−1).