The experiment aimed at defining a grading scheme for Italian Simmental (IS) beef linked to objectiv emeasure of
eating quality. Four experts developed a meat quality grid based on the assessment of the steak between the 8th
and 9th ribs (reference steak). The grid was tested on the reference steak of 29 IS young-bulls. Rib-eye dimension,
meat colour, marbling, meat firmness and fat cover highly contributed to overall quality. Two classes of IS beef
quality were identified: standard and high. The results were associated with the sensory profile of Longissimus
thoracis muscle from the reference steaks performed by a trained panel. The differences in quality highlighted
by experts in raw steak accounted for most of the relevant information regarding the sensory properties of
cooked beef. The accuracy of predictive model was 96.6%. The developed scheme is a helpful tool for valuing
the eating quality of beef.